Knives/Knife Blades for Zund CNC Digital Cutting Systems
Knives/Knife Blades for Zund CNC Digital Cutting Systems

Knife like Zund Z608 (5210315)
Max. cutting depth: 56 mm, 88°/ Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT-250 & POT
Zund knife Z29 for Zund Cutter
Knife like Zund Z29 (3910319)
Max. cutting depth: 31 mm, 86°/ Drag and Oscillating blade – pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250 & POT
Oscillating knife Z16, 3910306 - Zund
Knife like Zund Z16 (3910306)
Max. cutting depth 7.4mm, 54°/ Drag Blade&oscillating blade, pointed for Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250, PCT, POT 0.6, POT 1.5, SCT, UCT
Zund Z68 Oscillating knife   Max. cutting depth 29mm. For Zünd cutters EOT-250, POT 1.5 equivalent to 5204301
Knife like Zund Z68 (5204301)
Max. cutting depth 29mm/ Oscillating blade, flat for Zünd cutters EOT-250, POT 1.5 equivalent to 5204301
Oscillating plotter knife Z202 in solid tungsten carbide for use in Zünd digital cutters
Knife like Zund Z202 (5209985)
Max. cutting depth: 14.5mm. Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter EOT-250, equivalent to 5209985
Knife like Zund Z63 (5002637) 
Max. cutting depth: 28mm, 83°/ Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutters S3, G3 & L3 with POT & EOT heads
Long oscillating plotter knife Zund Z606 5210312 in solid tungsten carbide
Knife like Zund Z606 (5210312)
Max. cutting depth: 71.5mm. Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutter, equivalent to 5210312
Oscillating plotter knife Zund Z204 5221187 
Knife like Zund Z204 (5221187)
Max. cutting depth: 8.5mm / 20°. Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter
Oscillating knife ZUND Z104 5221104 of solid tungsten carbide
Knife like Zund Z104 (5221104) 
Max. cutting depth: 11mm. Drag blade, oscillating, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter, equivalent to 5221104
Zund Z11 Drag Blade 60°  Max. cutting depth: 6.9 mm / 3910309
Knife like Zund Z11 (3910309)
Max. cutting depth: 6.9 mm, 60°/ Drag blade, flat-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters UCT & SCT
Drag blade round-stock Z1 for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Knife like Zund Z1 (3910105)
Max. cutting depth: 1 mm, 35°/ Drag blade, round-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Zund Z17 Drag and Oscillating Knife blade 65°  Max. cutting depth: 12 mm/ 3910307 / Oscillating blade – pointe
Knife like Zund Z17 (3910307)
Max. cutting depth: 12 mm, 65° / Drag & oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutter
Drag blade, round-stock Z2 for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Knife like Zund Z2 (3910110)
Max. cutting depth: 1 mm, 35°/ Drag blade, round-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Knife type Zund Z201 (5209201)
Max. cutting depth: 17.4mm. Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter EOT-250, equivalent to 5209201
Zund Z21 Oscillating Knife Blade 84°  Max. cutting depth: 17.2 mm / 3910314 / Oscillating blade - pointed
Knife like Zund Z21 (3910314) 
Max. cutting depth: 17.2 mm, 84°/ Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250 & POT
Zund Z28 Oscillating Knife Blade 86°  Max. cutting depth: 26 mm / 3910318
Knife like Zund Z28 (3910318)
Max. cutting depth: 26 mm, 86°/ Oscillating - drag blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250 & POT
pointed blade high quality for cutting corrugated, corrugated plastic, foam board
Knife like Zund Z22 (3910315)
Max. cutting depth: 14 mm, 79°/ Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250 & POT
Zund Z44 Drag tangential Knife Blade 60°  Max. cutting depth: 14 mm / 3910340
Knife like Zund Z44 (3910340)Max. cutting depth: 14 mm, 60°/ Drag blade, flat-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters UCT & SCT
manufactures plotter knives Z61 for Zund Cutter
Knife like Zund Z61 (5201343) 
Max. cuting depth 20mm, 81.5°/ Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutters POT & EOT-250
Oscillating blade - flat – Z64 for application in Zünd digital cutter POT
Knife like Zund Z64 (5002739) 
Max. cutting depth 57mm, 88° / Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter POT
Zund Z62 Oscillating Knife Blade 80°  Max. cutting depth: 13.2 mm /5002488
Knife like Zund Z62 (5002488)
Max. cutting depth: 13.2 mm, 78°/ Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutters POT & EOT
Zund Z11 Drag Blade 60°   Max. cutting depth: 6.9 mm / 3910309
Knife like Zund Z11 (3910309)
Max. cutting depth: 6.9 mm, 60°/ Drag blade, flat-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters UCT & SCT
Drag blade round-stock Z1 for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Knife like Zund Z1 (3910105)
Max. cutting depth: 1 mm, 35°/ Drag blade, round-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Zund Z17 Drag and Oscillating Knife blade 65°    Max. cutting depth: 12 mm/ 3910307 / Oscillating blade – pointe
Knife like Zund Z17 (3910307)
Max. cutting depth: 12 mm, 65° / Drag & oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutter
Drag blade, round-stock Z2 for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Knife like Zund Z2 (3910110)
Max. cutting depth: 1 mm, 35°/ Drag blade, round-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters KCT, C2/C2P & KCM-S
Knife type Zund Z201 (5209201)
Max. cutting depth: 17.4mm. Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter EOT-250, equivalent to 5209201
Zund Z21 Oscillating Knife Blade 84°   Max. cutting depth: 17.2 mm / 3910314 / Oscillating blade - pointed
Knife like Zund Z21 (3910314)
Max. cutting depth: 17.2 mm, 84°/ Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250 & POT
Oscillating knife Z16  3910306 - Zund
Knife like Zund Z16 (3910306)
Max. cutting depth 7.4mm, 54°/ Drag Blade&oscillating blade, pointed for Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250, PCT, POT 0.6, POT 1.5, SCT, UCT
Zund Z68 Oscillating knife 5pcs Max. cutting depth 29mm. For Zünd cutters EOT-250, POT 1.5 equivalent to 5204301
Knife like Zund Z68 (5204301)
Max. cutting depth 29mm/ Oscillating blade, flat for Zünd cutters EOT-250, POT 1.5 equivalent to 5204301
Knife like Zund Z202 (5209985)
Max. cutting depth: 14.5mm. Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter EOT-250, equivalent to 5209985
Knife like Zund Z63 (5002637)
Max. cutting depth: 28mm, 83°/ Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutters S3, G3 & L3 with POT & EOT heads
Long oscillating plotter knife Zund Z606 5210312 in solid tungsten carbide 
Knife like Zund Z606 (5210312)
Max. cutting depth: 71.5mm. Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutter, equivalent to 5210312
Knife like Zund Z204 (5221187)
Max. cutting depth: 8.5mm / 20°. Oscillating blade, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter
Oscillating knife ZUND Z104 5221104 of solid tungsten carbide machine knives
Knife like Zund Z104 (5221104)
Max. cutting depth: 11mm. Drag blade, oscillating, flat for application in Zünd digital cutter, equivalent to 5221104
Knife like Zund Z608 (5210315)
Max. cutting depth: 56 mm, 88°/ Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT-250 & POT
Zund knife Z29 for Zund Cutter 
Knife like Zund Z29 (3910319)
Max. cutting depth: 31 mm, 86°/ Drag and Oscillating blade – pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT, EOT-250 & POT
Zund Z20 Oscillating Blade 84°   Max. cutting depth: 14.3 mm / 3910313
Knife like Zund Z20 (3910313)
Max. cutting depth: 14.3 mm, 84°/ Oscillating blade, pointed for application in Zünd digital cutters EOT, POT & EOT-250
Knife type Zund Z10 3910301 in solid tungsten carbide for use in Zünd digital cutting machines 
Knife like Zund Z10 (3910301)
Max. cutting depth: 4.8 mm, 50°/ Drag blade, flat-stock for application in Zünd digital cutters UCT & SCT
Zund Z46 Drag Knife Blade 45°  Max. cutting depth: 20 mm / 4800073
Knife like Zund Z46 (4800073) 
Max. cutting depth: 20 mm, 45°/ Drag blade, flat-stock for application in Zünd, Summa Cutters
Plotter knife type Zund Z60
Knife type Zund Z60 (5201345) 
Max. cuting depth 16.5mm, 55°/81,5°/ Oscillating blade - pointed, for application in Zünd digital cutters POT & EOT-250
V-cut blade Z701, 5222972 - Zund
Knife V-Cut like Zund Z701 (5222972)
Max. cutting depth 25mm /5222972/ For Zünd cutters VCT 2. Bevel angles: 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 22.5°, 30°, 45°
Zund Z71 V-Cut Knife Blade
Knife V-Cut like Zund Z71 (5006045)
Max. cutting depth: 16/18.4 mm / V-Cut drag blade for application in Zünd digital cutter VCT
V-Cut Drag blade like Zund Z73    Max.cutting depth: 16/18.2mm.
Knife V-Cut like Zund Z73 (5005572) 
Max.cutting depth: 16/18.2mm/ For Martor Powercut, Zund S3 & G3 digital cutters
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